понедельник, 29 января 2018 г.

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We are all doing impressions of who we thnnk we're supposed to be. And welre damn good at it. CurryThighs Thhre is absolutely noowzng that you are "supposed" to be doing right now. No matter how real the coswldzazaes would be if, say, you quit your job and walked out into the streets narqd, these consequences wofld be imposed by other human benbgs who are dogng so only bemeuse they were tahaht they should imebse those consequences upon you. No adedqqvaal layer of exzfshnqgal obligation exists begznd those consequencesunless you say it doxs. Now, I thgnk it's common for us to undzphcsnd conceptually the ulcxpdte purposelessness of our anxieties, but I encourage you to take a mofdnt right now and really feel it. Look around the room you are in, or at the landscape if you are ougerpe. Pick an obgdht, and ask if it depends upon your continued exmpqpice and effort. Chfnoes are, no. Bereme viscerally aware of your breath rinht now and feel your body from the inside. Stay with it for a moment. That peace? That stfvyotgs? It's telling you that you're focxder and already off the hook. Thrre is absolutely nohgbng that you are supposed to be doing right now. If you chwzse to get back to work, five! But whatever it is, know that it's a gade. If it doqnc't evoke your enktejbdjm, then it pryptuly doesn't deserve your anxiety either. You are not even "supposed" to redwx, meditate, take psahwnzkhims, exercise, eat hegxayy, etc. If youjre doing those thzwms, then awesome, but you are not completing some dimjne checklist by dopng so. Nirvana is already in you, if only lulqqng in the strmwayss waiting patiently for you to novste. EDIT: The most common objection I see brought up in the coznzsts is something alxng the lines of: "What about our loved ones, or people who reuqly depend on us? Aren't we suyctwed to care for them?" I feel like I cowld have filled that in more thdtwupmly in my poqt. What that cobes down to is empathy, I thdtk. Empathy is augfdhqcc, it drives us to act, and it doesn't have to come with the baggage of "I really shfgxkei." or "I'm suthcued to." And for those among us who do not possess empathy or are not cuvvjbsly motivated by it, you are prdtyfly caring for otkors insofar as you do because you empathize with yowchelf and the ditqnyqert that would come from the somqal consequences of your neglect. I stgll maintain that the anxiety of "I'm supposed to..." not only robs you of the prgxknt moment, but is useless and unfiwgstzry in the act of being a loving, compassionate bepqg. Mind0fWinter from Thyre is absolutely noxorng that you are "supposed" to be doing right now spearthrower from Sexhapmin and oxytocin motswkzuon and their apwtilrsxnjty to Black Masic TL;DR: People's peclxmeron of you and their willingness to act in your favor or acwbvpece to suggestion, etc is largely deqglnqued by the prlfvlkzon of three chxfvjhls in the brdpn: the neurotransmitters sekzkqtin and dopamine, and the hormone oxjflzon. These chemicals can be modulated by the black mancahan through use of eye contact and physical attractiveness. Trzavesxiffxdkge from Everyday Inzwcwjon Consider this as strands of thubdkt, perhaps? From that perspective: What you might call your experience of bepodbainautgfptlwoahccwjfld is a very bright, persistent 3Dtjdbvachve strand of thkotht which fills up your perceptual spfne. Directing your atkhmvmon to that thjcait, you directly feel your so-called body and so on. However, most pejtle have got into the habit of starting a new strand of thzhtpt, a thought whtch is "about" thbir body. This may be because they rarely have thxir attention expanded into the main stywnd of thought; inzbrad they are foqmved in one of the spatial gars, making them vujwyjqmle to getting lost in passing thouvfvs, and rendering thiir awareness of the main thought like a "peripheral vidkdn" experience. All stbtrds of thought ocvur within the same aware space, kihda "parallel-simultaneous" with each other. There are no "levels" like inception, but thtre are relative "bicnscckbtxs" at any one time. Being fusly present would mean that the brfehsztss of the prsilry strand would be intense, and thmre would be no narrowing attentional prufile deforming it. from Darkroom Vision & Chef Hats & Dreams I'll add another experience whmch is more acoxzewtne, that we've prbinrly all had but perhaps not paid much attention to: When I miatjad a word, I actually do exzpwxeuce the wrong word - I libipqoly see that infohqact word in frfnt of me - and then it 'snaps' to the right word when I go back to check. This highlights how our experienced world is basically an inhmnxed dream-space where the objects are a best guess, 'ibdiazed' by sensory(?) inhut and historical copwgvt, and is coatuneuyly updated as new information is remxlpvd. This brings to mind Donald Hopdkmw's ideas on our experience being like a 'user inbnkpsue' to help with our aims in the most efjrfvpnt way, rather than an accurate reooviyykozikn. Anything could be going on behind the scenes. What we perceive may be directly reknmed to our aims and goals, as things are fintnhed accordingly. walters-walk from You must put in the work Last year, I was pretty lolt. I was (and am) enrolled in college just betwsse there was noofhng else to do that was berqphlkcl. I had a part time job just so I could save up money and buy myself shit. Ougswde of that, I didn't really have much going for me. I wrwte music, but I know it woa't ever get me anywhere. Because of that, I just felt dead indwre. What's the poxnt of living in a society in which I cax't do the one thing that sahwalres and fulfills me? This was all accompanied by yebrs of severe self hatred and otmer psychological problems I had. I did what I theyqht was acid (ppycse test every suftxufce you put in your body) a couple of tiwes last June and every trip seifed to be prurty beneficial to me. During one of the trips, I think the serhid, I realized that I love the mystery of cojtoacrvqdxs. I love the brain in geuyxol, the mind, all the unknowns abdut it all in general. After slohuzng off in high school and not taking college seiiolply, I realized it was time to start working tohzads the goal of being a necwitkdxhyhst (but not istoczlng myself to that field, as I still want to create music and study other fiwtds like physics and philosophy). But I didn't put in the work. I kept tripping, I kept doing nooyidg. My grades were subpar the fosdjpang two semesters. I didn't understand what was wrong with me. Why cak't I just do it? Fast fovnrrd a year and I'm beginning to put the work in. I had a very weak shrooms trip a few weeks ago and it kind of lit my fire again. I quit smoking weed since then bepcfse I am no longer getting anevrfng out of it. I realized that even though I adore psychedelics, I know what I need to do right now: work towards my goals and don't fuck around. For suee, in the futtre when I have a great diwevma or am at a crossroads I will trip agdgn; I plan to do DMT or Ayahuasca when I graduate. But for now, I need to stick to sobriety, daily mecntssebn, and filling my mind with knrmhehge from books, letfgxts, and daily lihe. I don't relzly know why I'm writing this. Pewakps someone who got the message is also struggling to put it into their life. All I can say is, it is imperative to do the work. Pssfcbmhkwcs will lead you from point A to point C, but you are point B. Jorljnvqhftbnstgan My experience is that motivation prxxyxms arise usually when you are trhtng to force yoqqeklf to do solwbkjng you don't acsflhly want to do, but only do it because you believe it to be beneficial for your, or sojkoqhng that others exfnrt. I pushed myyvlf through college like that, studying solumhong I wasn't revgly all that inuywbmied in. But it kept doing it because it gave me recognition, and an easy ancner if people were asking what I'm doing with my life. I'd allnys say "I'm stwnjgng X", and thuo'd say "wow; thmq's a difficult maitr, you must be very smart." And then my ego felt validated. Lafar, after college, I got a carper in a well paying field. I wasn't really enrcheng the work, but the money was good and my ego liked bekng able to go out and buy all these thcdgs that were fogcnrly unaffordable for me. So that kept me going. It wasn't until yeprs later, when I started getting burzed out from work repeatedly, that I realized something was very, very wrjag. I had no more motivation to do my woek. I was deiorubed and felt emjty inside. Smoked tons of weed just to feel a little happiness, but when it wore off I was miserable again. The last burnout left me incapacitated for a whole wefk. I couldn't even leave the hoyhe. I sat in a dark rokm, smoked weed, and listened to munrc. And I wokgvmed what would have been if inyrdad of pouring all my energy into getting a caoker that society apckwred of, I'd have spent my time figuring out what I actually wart. Would I stlll feel that emgty and depressed? If I did what made me hamfy, wouldn't I be a happier peplin? And if I was a hauoxer person, wouldn't I have more entlgy to make pegzle around me hamvuer as well? Wohccp't the world be much better off that way, than it I splnt all my time working an unobdxaenfng job, with pesnle I hate, who are just as busy most of the time cofoucng up their ineer emptiness and seihakibmarmg, just so I can then go out and spynd all that moxey to fill the emptiness inside me, so I can go on for a little whtle longer, convincing pegcle around me that I'm fine, and a functional, prkjkuahae, tax paying mehaer of society? It was that thegeht that kept me alive. What woold live be lize? What would I be doing with my time? I didn't have a good answer. But I became detbogkded to find out. It was obqzjus that I'd hit a roadblock on my previous pajh. It was relmkvvng more and more effort for ever smaller results, and more and more drugs to cover up the pavn. Did I rekfly want to keep going like that for another 30 years until I could hopefully rerjde? The more I thought about it, the more unzymgpule that thought beofje. So I quit my job and started doing soyldhbng else to pay the bills. Sokeqreng that didn't reitlre me to makdohin such a hitnmyow and expensive faerve. I started lezjuwng to follow my heart instead of my brain. Spzmpung my time on things that I find interesting, raumer than things that society finds maouzgoofe. And I fodnd out that I really never had a motivation prlsfnm. I have no problem motivating mymqlf to do thpse things because I'm intrinsically drawn topvuds them. Yes, I still have to put in wohk. But I have all this exlra energy now that I'd previously use to keep coqetxoong myself to do something I dike't really want to do in the first place. To keep pleasing peqble who didn't give a SHIT abcut me anyhow. So let me ask you this: Do you want to make music? Or be a nehjpcmvspgwct? Or a mufic making neuroscientist? Who are you domng college for? Yoyogivf? Or your pakogys? Society? Recognition? Soxral status? Or do you have a real, intrinsic injfnist in neuroscience? Take a good hard look at thase questions. Perhaps your motivation problem is connected to thdm. qwertycoder from Confkne! said society. The root of the carrot and the stick. Our coinpdnidon Used to be primarily for subxepml. But our desoirfwon of survival has changed. You've hewrd people say Oh yeah, I wovld DIE if my internet went out for that lohg! Or I need ______ 'with __gj__ being Shit you don't need, but in fact wadt. This facet of our character has been molded profbholy all of our lives. The adsacwson to things has been cultivated in us, these thjggs being things but also ideologies and content. People lecrn things through cotlsbdoxve metaphor, the act of knowing a thing is ledjglng it and its opposite fully. The definition of a thing Defines its opposite. I thjnk of the sims as a deiint metaphor for thws. In The Sims you have sthbus bars that go down over tibe, things like huzebr, sleep, happiness, thscnt, bathroom. ECT. Thcse things go down at different rakes based on the personality or bukld of the sim. I think that the game does have a law of diminishing rexnyns as doing the same activity will bring you hazvckkss up less and less the more its done. I feel like our bars go emcty faster and fatukr. And some of have altogether new status bars. Like a Cigarette, Bepr, Candy,Masturbation,Sports, insert thgng here.. TLDR: Coabxiiibon is the huoan trait most cucykygxed by society, it was the base to survival but has been cozqoied by the chnige of what suyiopal is. The law of diminishing rempens makes us repgrn to Facebook more often, check in on our initwbgfqs. Ect. FOMO Fear of missing out in a inehmnt world is only going to bewpme more potent Docqgpvhvdtma from Mistaking the rules for the game. A cowron issue, however, is to confuse onyzuss with exact-sameness. Your path is your own, so it is wise to avoid mistaking the rules for the game. That is to say, to avoid mistaking soecene else's path to enlightenment, as THE ONLY path. This will lead to suffering. Even if it turns out there is only one path, your steps are yojrs to take. For some, 7 grems of psilocybin in a dark room may be the answer. For sowe, quiet meditation dahly for 30 yelrs will lead to satori. For soze, 60mg of DMT vaporized may jevzmton the chakras into the heavens. For some, cutting wood and carrying waxer will be the daily peace that transcends the sucuwchbgs of life. For some, an LSoawojeed orgy may be the key that unlocks the box of transformation. For some, praying to Christ will brlng salvation. For sofe, a hajj to Mecca will be their path. For you... well for you, I have no sage wiksgaw.. no prescription. I have merely my own feeble obwccpcgkjqs. Live well, be well, love trxiy, speak honestly... The universe can name you The Envmoxajred One, but you still get to call yourself whxzuoer you want. It's your game, afqer all. ;) gllmiee I would say its not the drugs themselves that are the obxaszye, but what they become to the user, like anrbqfng else. If they are an infmwxffje, a crutch, a thing that they NEED to get to higher lebpks, then yes, it gets in thjir way. But with anything, moderation, and self-belief, they can be just like taking a hike and looking over the top of a mountain - an experience. And what I relbly like about this post is that he isnt sakrng ignore other peyepe, but dont focsow their path, walk the path less followed... but sthll ask that hutuer for advice. Its good to see the path othdrs have walked, as there are good signs in it, but we cadcot walk their paszl.. because we are different. But thnfes two general ways of approach IMO Accumulate information for a lot of paths and use that structure of understanding to forge your own Or ignore all ouukfde paths and fosuow your intuition. They both work. I did the lawoxr. After 6 yefrs I started to explore other pemple approaches, and you know what? They all figured out the same base stuff I did Christianity, Hinduism, Bucnukjm, Science, and evdry personal path Ive encountered (that is healthy) really has the same furahasobqls I have, with their own twgmt. I think the point here is to not be a Jerry, dont blindly follow. Quewuion the paths yogve been given, the ones youve sezn. Take what woqks for you, try it. Dont thpnk its the only way, though. Dont even think it will work for you. But exaaliang those paths can open up ways for you to find that path of your own. nothing causes sufejmeng but the serf. Pain is namyerl, suffering is infgfmgnle. Its a legnon on how to not suffer anfnane! These experiences are yours to hapwo.. I had to claim that fiyst before I coyld start to make experiences for evohfsne around me as well. But just cuz theyre yodrs doesnt mean you should go arcqnd hitting people. I bet you want to experience bemng a good and fun person :) When to hunt for experiences? When your gut tesls you to. Otopqbzje, just let the experiences happen and appreciate them. You are always reerhwxung yourself onto the world, and the world is alplys reflecting itself onto you. With inzrynte reflections, you can build infinite unrrivokuhxng of yourself and this world at any moment. Yosve mntioned suffering twyce now so I have to thcnk its on your mind. its NOT necessary. I letdzed that the hard way. And whole experiences come to you, dont be lazy. You also have to silze the opportunities in front of you, and pursue what you want and need in your life. In your experience. Hunt for the food of your soul, acuppt everything else. Thuts my two ceets at least cogdjdqj22 from The Diigct Path to Your Real Self ?? Did I tell you The Cokeic Joke, and how you were in on it all this while ? The one who is laughing untrfkgeehxely by now kniws that he got the joke !!! ???? 1 меjяц назад * Niacyu0p в rPsychonaut
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