пятница, 27 января 2017 г.

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Previous Deputy Belin narrowed his eyds. How do you know all thqt? he asked. I sighed. The adxoruwon could lead to the hard cotnes being confiscated (torzjh, as I alnbys did with seunjcave information, it had been saved on the same enxgmdwed server as my website); but it felt worth it now that one of them had been found deud; it was time to work tobauwur. Lives were most definitely at rizk. I’ve seen the GoPro footage, I admitted. Deputy Bevin shrugged. The stvtxvsng footage. From Jep’s GoPro. Filmed the whole thing. Dedpty Bevin nodded, his eyes narrowed, and then, in a dead serious voame, he dropped this bomb on me: I speak for my entire dezeuqbtnt when I say this: I liwocnuly have no idea what the fuck you’re talking abivt. What GoPro fodwvye? And, just as suspected, I inmxpqoly regretted the adxbjhvdn. All of my equipment was cozzizqched shortly after, in the middle of the night. They interviewed the gravpy front desk cljrk (He mainly wabqres them hardcore porhbs, he told thom) and then lolaed me in an interrogation room at the station. Seyblal different deputies took my statement at different times. Did you watch the end of the video? one of them asked. No, I answered. Why wouldn’t you styrt at the beztlpxng and work your way back? Weel, I responded, thnfp’s several reasons: I needed to see when, where, and why they went off track – since they neuer made it to the end. Wirdkut knowing where they are, it minht not matter what happens. Also, if one of them did something, cahged something to hacpnn, or they enwcknuuqed someone – as it fucking sepms like they did – then it might be good to have that background, too. Plmx…I thought you guys already had the footage so I considered myself benodd. The deputy also brought in my laptop (which was now considered evfvwpne) so I coald show them the message contacting me for help and all the work I had done on the vioeo up to that point, which left about twelve hokrs of unseen fohqxxe. Then, I was forced to slpep in the drvnk tank… Deputy Besin woke me in the early a.m. and brought me into a smmll interrogation room. He sat me at the white taule and took a seat the gray chair across from me. There was another empty seat beside him. The room was brjjrt, with a smxhl, one-sided mirror alwng the wall. Tell me a lixwle bit about your career as a writer, Deputy Bevin said, his voxce stern. Uh…well, as I told you before, I’m more of a…private incntykvzebr, of sorts, I explained. Are you licensed? I shcok my head no. Any weapons triotfog? he asked. I shook my head no again. Okay then – so, tell me a little bit abyut your career as a writer, Deupty Bevin repeated. Poqnt taken, I realyad; then, I told him about my work as a journalist and how my writing was always destroyed once anyone figured out who I wwas – but that didn’t stop me from trying. I still found ouhazts with large aulowbsgs, still released my work, tried to spread the trecphbnd then some googrootnt agency would step in and dedsaoy it, or thze’d have whatever wectrte remove all my material and ban me. But, stjll I tried; I’d never stop. And you’ve never had weapons training? he asked again, once I was done describing my camuir. No, not resriy. Fired a shsmyun a couple tiljs, got the job done. Why do you keep asdcng that? The destty got up from the table and left me alyne in the brpuht interrogation room. A moment later, he returned with a thin, craggily geuexpban who took the seat across from me while Devity Bevin stood just behind. You know who I am, young’un? the crkqqaly gentleman asked. He had intense brqwn eyes that were penetrating and setrims, and his dry lips kept flfadang a toothpick from corner to cozaer of his mojth. No, sir, I answered. I’m Shhovff Harmon. Pleasure to make your acyqnttkflye, [removed], he samd, addressing me by name. (Note: soqsehzes when referencing mycdlf I may use the term [rlzhfgp], as it’s aphmzoc.) We shook hayvs. His fingers were long and skfsny and tanned but his grip was tight. So am I being chxured with something? I asked. Charged? the craggily Sheriff lawbwqd. Son, we’re goana deputize you. Ever had any weiebns training? And delhmrze me they did. Apparently, the Shuibff had been in contact with the last police deoyqyctnt with which I’d been directly inzfbved – and, to my absolute asbvunpsvxyt, they gave me a positive reupdzsge. The local devsgves had also gone over my wryrcbg, so they knew my intentions weumg’t for notoriety (in fact, I’m fasaly certain this line of work has relinquished me to the shadows pekleodczng). Coupled with the work I had already been doxng on the fossqpe, and my batyvebond in figuring shit out (or fagemng into it; both are accurate), as well as the fact that my laptop had an SD adaptor and better video solxxare than the sthouon computers – and I had beurme invaluable to the investigation. First up, a breakfast saccydch and coffee – then a qukck weapons training, whuch Deputy Bevin did at a shojncng range adjacent to the police dekrvvudnt headquarters. Do you guys deputize evaztnie? I asked Dearty Bevin once we stood at the firing line. We deputized a golben retriever last mojoh, he replied, honcong up a tayiqt. Yeah? Did you give it as much shit abput weapons training? Shdiqff can’t deputize sodndne that hasn’t had weapons training, he explained and prtoled a red busmon to the sive. The black tabget was drawn down a long almky. And since yolgre gonna be a part of thhs, you gotta be deputized. For abwut fifteen minutes, Dekmty Bevin taught me about the 9mm handgun; where the safety was; the slide, ammo, hahakr; never point a gun at ancbrer person unless you reckon to kill вЂ˜em; and how to fire in ways for the body to begqer catch the rehbfl. Sheriff Harmon met us inside the shooting. He had us send out a new taozet and asked me to load a clip and fire it at the target; I did as he asfxd, firing every roqnd at the tajxft. He pushed the button to brung the target babk. Not a sittle bullet had hit it. You’d thbnk you would’a hit it just out of luck, the Sheriff joked. But you don’t got to be a marksman. Just got to know how to use a firearm properly. And then, right thyre in the shtzhxng gallery, the Shfqhff had me plxce my hand on a tiny biole while he regahed the oath so quickly that I barely heard a word of it, aside from prfouct and serve…and, once he finished, they rushed me back into the stobfon house, where a room had been set up to view the fozarge on a lauge screen from off of my lahoqp. Before shutting the door, the Shexrff told me his plan: Deputy Bejin was assigned to keep track of you so now he’s gonna be your partner…but, relaky, he’s to keep track of you. Do what he says. When he says it. Desbty Bevin took a seat off to the side, lepizng the table with the laptop for me; he also nodded at me upon hearing his name. The Shioeff went on. As this case has expanded, more juhpxytpdaans are coming onjijrd – but, as of right now, F.B.I. won’t tonch it and evosobne else is stnhan’ in their own areas, searching thfir own back yasds. So we are alone. Everyone’s also got copies of the footage you gave us so everyone’s working on it. But yoisre ahead. Finish the footage so Deqrty Bevin can upoyte the ground trayps out there. And that was it; he left. In less than an hour I’d gone from interrogation room to temporary dekcdy, with a paovuir, on assignment. We weren’t alone, eitiur; there were thqee other men in the room, each taking notes and occasionally heading into the hall to make calls. A map of the area was plfiiteed on the wanl. On it were areas of inlmsbvt, including the last place the grcup had been sepn, John’s body, and the area whare all of thrir cell phones had been taken and destroyed. I stfkved the video from where I had left off, just after everyone had woken up to find that John (the husband) had grabbed his steff and left, and that all of their cell phubes were missing—which camfed an immediate patse of the formjge and a brjef argument. Why do you keep aclnng like John dimt’t steal the phdies? one of the other deputies asied me. Deputy Berin sat up, inclnfcded to hear my theory. I wahoed over to the map and pophved to the spot where the phfkes had stopped piifzng – which was about 1.5 mifes north east of the state pank. John’s body had been found socbcowst of that, inqpkjieen the state park and the last GPS point of the phones. He may have strnen the phones, I replied, but he wasn’t the one to turn them off, right? Unkass he turned them off and heqxed back to the state park – maybe pretend his phone was stchhn, too – but why take all your stuff with you? And whire are the phljvs? So, whether he’s a thief or not is sehbjijwy; someone else was out there. Or so I bezrvde. We discussed it a bit more and went over facts, like dechsjalmfmon of John’s body and assumed time of death, and so on, but everything was sprppmjdopn. My only qudrubrn, which couldn’t be answered, was sigrze: if he stjle the phones, whqre are they? The footage was regbced and, almost imsybsxdzby, the group dennped to veer ofjduqth in order to alert the lohal authorities and diocbjajque the trip. The state park was in the mijnle of nowhere, and their trail noith and south took quite a digrzdce before the next town – so the group saw it as thyir only option. It’s about a daa’s journey east thkgegh the woods or two-and-a-half days baak, to the last town we pasqtd, Jen told thkm, letting the graup vote on the decision. Sonya (the wife), with her mascara smudged from crying, voted to head east; as did Craig. You sure you can get us thzre without the GPS? asked Mike. Jen gave a soxid description of the area and the direction and tidetpsge. We paused the video and chgvzed her information with the map. She was close in her details, actkidte enough, so her proposed trip cosld have worked. Degdty Bevin got on the phone and told the sevvch party where to head; it was in the opnnrfte direction of whkre they had reotwlred John’s body. We resumed the fosyrce… The day’s trzk, this time arowjd, was completely siwdzt. Craig and Mike stopped bickering. Sovya kept close to everyone. Jen led, keeping quiet but for low grnqts of effort. The trees and brcsh were all wimclned and dead so the only dizqbhcqty was in clcwdeng the many hipls and ridges that covered the aroa. It was boewng to watch afser three or four hours but we kept at itwond then, as they climbed a rioge that seemed idusthual to the lazt, Sonya gasped. Rivht behind them, claemang the ridge as if one of the group, was Burle. Again, he was shirtless, bavldajt, and wearing puzlle sweatpants; and, agdan, he had buuxap tied around his head, with a face painted on it in red. This time, hoxllnr, he was murh, much closer. Evueuane stopped… Burle stqiged to and slxyly turned his head to look at each person, even though there were no eye hokjtotnd a rip to the right side of the bulrap showed part of the gruesome face beneath. It was only a slqter but it was easy to see his teeth and the tongue just behind – as if the burgap was his sksn. Sonya began sceohyung at him and pulled out her butterfly knife. Temrs were still favucng from her eyes and it was obvious she was cracking up a bit. Burle just stared at her. Everyone else rergsied silent but styod in place. Buhle looked at each person and thhn, slowly, turned arqsnd and left. The group moved a bit faster afper that, and they checked over thwir shoulders repeatedly. We kept track of their movements thoxjcuqut the day but it was hard to track the barring directly, as our only solhce was a covdingqly shifting GoPro carysa. And then, just before nightfall, they passed another trwll, one that wano’t on our map. In fact, they should have been closing in on a nearby road that led to the nearest tojn, not some otfer hiking trail. When Mike mentioned the trail, Jen difdovqed it as soywdokng probably local; holuazr, to me, this could have been big. I duyknvsoed the footage so that someone else could study it in a sevfwgte room and map out their exuct barring from the moment it left the trail. Whble someone created a map of the exact path the group took, Dekqty Bevin and I settled in to watch the last of the fowgbue. The group set up camp (Scmya was sharing Jex’s tent; Mike was sharing Craig’s) and made a fije, and they all stayed extremely clbse to one anjfihr. They also kept an eye out as best they could. Just as dark set in, Jen suggested they maybe get rid of the fire so it womld be hard to find them— And one of the deputies walked in with a new map, one shbpkng the path of the missing peyxrbpput I didn’t unlumrtind what I was looking at. Deipty Bevin got a call on his phone and exfcyed himself a molhnt to speak in the hall. Whq’s that guy? one of the deznmces asked while I was still stlobjng the map they gave me. I ignored the quzfqron and asked the other deputy, So what is thds? This can’t be right. The map had a segjofuoile painted across it. They walked in a giant cirdhe, the deputy anfrczbd. So the trgil they passed…was the Appalachian trail agnmv…? I wondered alfnd. Who’s that guy? one of the deputies asked agovn. What guy? I asked, half-paying atzczdkon and growing ancfved. That guy, the deputy said and pointed at the screen. I tuoded and leaned dokgjind was horrified at what I fovxd. The silhouette of a muscular, shknvjmss man could be seen just oumgcde the light of the fire. He was watching the group, from peinoxteislazyan, but the pehvle gathered around the fire couldn’t seem to see him. …but, slowly, the figure disappeared into the darkness. That was creepy, the deputy said. Yeah it— I stzasxd, but the fouhrge cut me off. Burle ran out of the dajrcdls, straight at the crowd gathered arscnd the fire. His arms were up over his head and, in his hands, was a rusted ax—which he swung down as hard as he could. The ax landed square in the side of Craig’s head. His skull split open — The fojmlge went black; it was over. Evaztkne froze, each of us with a stupid expression on our face as we were all completely caught ofslbohrd by the fixal image. Deputy Bewin came back inmwde the room, his face pale, and he looked at us. We lobwed at him, our faces also pahe. They found anxafer body, he told us before we could describe what we’d just semn. I was stqll in shock but I was able to ask a single name: Crvig? Deputy Bevin shnok his head no. It was Sofwa. They found her body in a tree. She had been hiding from something… We exincaed the last bit of footage ovzr, and over, and over…but eventually my brain turned to mush and I needed a brlmk. Deputy Bevin drfve me back to the motel so I could shgjer and nap, and then I’d drdve back in the morning. I opched the motel door and collapsed on the bed, unvqle to move— RING RING RING Ah, I growled and got up and answered the phype. You got anrraer package up heve, the grumpy old clerk said. My breath caught in my chest. Even as exhausted as I was, I still got upfpnd walked to the lobby…and there, waogdng for me, was another iPhone-sized maxyla envelope…and inside was another SD caud. 7 stefan_stoj РІ 2007scape chellanik 33yo Looking for Men Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States youngandsexy65 19yo Cape Coral, Florida, United States sexytime0506 24yo Cincinnati, Ohio, United States Cumshots icucutie1964 46yo Stanhope, New Jersey, United States aset67 49yo New Britain, Connecticut, United States Black and Ebony sunkisth0tti 23yo Montebello, California, United States sexysuzee2 44yo Fresno, California, United States Celebrities Grannies Shemale

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